Sunday, June 08, 2008

Busy day yesterday with my sister's baby shower (for a baby that is not due until the end of July). I think she is hoping for sooner rather than later.

Here is a photo of me and my sister Debbie. I like this photo because I am skinnier than she is, lol. She's always been the tall, skinny, pretty one. Bitter? Me? Nah. I have come to embrace the fact that she got the beauty and I got the brains! Not the best photo, but I'm still skinnier.

This is what I bought for my new nephew Luke Robert. I am a boy mom through and through and everyone knows I adore a little boy in overalls. So this is my classic gift. That and the book "Love You Forever" a real tear jerker for any boy mom, well any mom really. Can't wait to see Luke in these!

And finally, the blanket is done! I love to crochet, but this blanket has daunted me for the longest time. I really am glad to have it done and out of my house, lol. It is really soft and fuzzy. And since he won't really need a warm fuzzy blanket when he arrives in July, it is big enough to use as he gets older. Deb said that Faith (my niece) still uses the one I made her. That was nice to hear :-)

It really is huge. It will cover mom and baby both nicely. Here it is draped over the arm of my couch. No wonder the darn thing took so long to make. I didn't realize how big it was until it was finished and I spread it out to take a picture.

I have so many projects that I want to work on this summer. Another baby due in July, another blanket to make (smaller). Looking forward to things slowing down when school is out...for the kids.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

The blanket looks fabulous, Sheri!! Nice job! Love the color combo.